Loggerhead Meeresschildkröten auf Kreta
Gemäß Informationen aus dem Jahresbericht "ARCHELON Kreta" wurden während der Nistzeit im Jahre 2018, 446 Nester lokalisiert und geschützt.
Die Haupt-Habitate der geschützten Species waren die Strände von Rethymno, Chania und der Messara Bucht.
The annual report of ARCHELON for the conservation of the loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) on the island of Crete was published a few days ago and reached the desks of competent authorities. According to the information contained in the report, 446 nests were located and protected during the 2018 nesting season in the three main nesting habitats of this protected species, namely the beaches of Rethymno, Chania and Messara bay.
We would like to thank all the businesses that complied with measures, on behalf of the 150 volunteers from all over the world that joined the projects of Crete as well as ARCHELON staff. We would also like to thank everyone that actively supported the efforts for the conservation of sea turtles on Crete, the people living and working in these areas, the visitors and the authorities. We promise that ARCHELON will be there, by the nesting beaches, also during the 2019 nesting season to welcome the sea turtles and help protected them.
You can support our cause by volunteering (see more at become a volunteer), making a donation (see more at donations) or adopt a sea turtle (see more at adopt a hatchling)